Using methods with variable argument lists
Sometimes you create methods that can take a variable number of
arguments. Handling this sort of situation is something Python does well. Here
are the two kinds of variable arguments that you can create:
*args: Provides a list of
unnamed arguments.
**kwargs: Provides a list
of named arguments.
The actual names of the arguments don’t matter, but Python
developers use *args and **kwargs as a convention so that other Python
developers know that they’re a variable list of arguments. Notice that the
first variable argument has just one asterisk (*) associated with it, which
means the arguments are unnamed. The second variable has two asterisks, which
means that the arguments are named. The following steps demonstrate how to use
both approaches to writing an application.
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code
into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
class MyClass:
def PrintList1(*args):
for Count, Item in enumerate(args): print("{0}.
{1}".format(Count, Item))
def PrintList2(**kwargs):
for Name, Value in kwargs.items(): print("{0} likes
{1}".format(Name, Value))
MyClass.PrintList1("Red", "Blue",
MyClass.PrintList2(George="Red", Sue="Blue",
For the purposes of this example, you’re seeing the arguments implemented
as part of a class method. However, you can use them just as easily with an
instance method.
Look carefully at PrintList1() and you see a new method of using a
for loop to iterate through a list. In this case, the enumerate() function
outputs both a count (the loop count) and the string that was passed to the
The PrintList2() function accepts a dictionary input. Just as with
PrintList1(), this list can be any length. However, you must process the
items() found in the dictionary to obtain the individual values.
Choose Run➪Run Module.
The individual lists can be of any length. In fact, in this
situation, playing with the code to see what you can do with it is a good idea.
For example, try mixing numbers and strings with the first list to see what
happens. Try adding Boolean values as well. The point is that using this
technique makes your methods incredibly flexible if all you want is a list of
values as input.
Overloading operators
In some situations, you want to be able to do something special as
the result of using a standard operator such as add (+). In fact, sometimes
Python doesn’t provide a default behavior for operators because it has no
default to implement. No matter what the reason might be, overloading operators
makes it possible to assign new functionality to existing operators so that
they do what you want, rather than what Python intended. The following steps
demonstrate how to overload an operator and use it as part of an application.
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code
into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, *args): self.Input = args
def __add__(self, Other): Output = MyClass()
Output.Input = self.Input + Other.Input return Output
def __str__(self): Output = ""
for Item in self.Input: Output += Item Output += " "
return Output
Value1 = MyClass("Red", "Green",
Value2 = MyClass("Yellow", "Purple",
Value3 = Value1 + Value2
print("{0} + {1} = {2}"
.format(Value1, Value2, Value3))
The example demonstrates a few different techniques. The constructor,
__init__(), demonstrates a method for creating an instance variable attached to
the self object. You can use this approach to create as many variables as
needed to support the instance.
When you create your own classes, no + operator is defined until
you define one, in most cases. The only exception is when you inherit from an
existing class that already has the + operator defined. In order to add two
MyClass entries together, you must define the __add__() method, which equates
to the + operator.
The code used for the __add__() method may look a little odd, too,
but you need to think about it one line at a time. The code begins by creating
a new object, Output, from MyClass. Nothing is added to Output at this point —
it’s a blank object. The two objects that you want to add, self.Input and Other.Input,
are actually tuples. The code places the sum of these two objects into
Output.Input. The __add__() method then returns the new combined object to the
Of course, you may want to know why you can’t simply add the two
inputs together as you would a number. The answer is that you’d end up with a
tuple as an output, rather than a MyClass as an output. The type of the output
would be changed, and that would also change any use of the resulting object.
To print MyClass properly, you also need to define a __str__()
method. This method converts a MyClass object into a string. In this case, the
output is a space-delimited string (in which each of the items in the string is
separated from the other items by a space) containing each of the values found
in self.Input. Of course, the class that you create can output any string that
fully represents the object.
The main procedure creates two test objects, Value1 and Value2. It
adds them together and places the result in Value3. The result is printed
Choose Run➪Run Module.
Adding the two objects together, converting them to strings, and
then printing the result. It’s a lot of code for such a simple output
statement, but the result definitely demonstrates that you can create classes
that are self-contained and fully functional.
Creating a Class
All the previous material in this Post has helped prepare you for
creating an interesting class of your own. In this case, you create a class
that you place into an external module and eventually access within an
application. Listing 14-1 shows the code that you need to create the class.
Listing 14-1: Creating an External Class
class MyClass:
def __init__(self, Name="Sam", Age=32): self.Name = Name
self.Age = Age
def GetName(self): return self.Name
def SetName(self, Name): self.Name = Name
def GetAge(self): return self.Age
def SetAge(self, Age): self.Age = Age
def __str__(self):
return "{0} is aged {1}.".format(self.Name, self.Age)
In this case, the class begins by creating an object with two
instance variables: Name and Age. If the user fails to provide these values,
they default to Sam and 32.
This example provides you with a new class feature. Most
developers call this feature an accessor. Essentially, it provides access to an
underlying value. There are two types of accessors: getters and setters. Both
GetName() and GetAge() are getters. They provide read-only access to the underlying
value. The SetName() and SetAge() methods are setters, which provide write-only
access to the underlying value. Using a combination of methods like this allows
you to check inputs for correct type and range, as well as verify that the
caller has permission to view the information.
As with just about every other class you create, you need to
define the __str__() method if you want the user to be able to print the
object. In this case, the class provides formatted output that lists both of
the instance variables.
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