Creating the class definition
A class need not be particularly complex. In fact, you can create
just the container and one class element and call it a class. Of course, the
resulting class won’t do much, but you can instantiate it (tell Python to build
an object using your class as a blueprint) and work with it as you would any
other class. The following steps help you understand the basics behind a class
by creating the simplest class possible.
Open a Python Shell window.
You see the familiar Python prompt.
Type the following code
(pressing Enter after each line and pressing Enter twice after the last line):
class MyClass: MyVar = 0
The first line defines the class container, which consists of the
keyword class and the class name, which is MyClass. Every class you create must
begin precisely this way. You must always include class followed by the class
The second line is the class suite. All the elements that comprise
the class are called the class suite. In this case, you see a class variable
named MyVar, which is set to a value of 0. Every instance of the class will
have the same variable and start at the same value.
Type MyInstance = MyClass(
) and press Enter.
You have just created an instance of MyClass named MyInstance. Of
course, you’ll want to verify that you really have created such an instance.
Step 4 accomplishes that task.
Type MyInstance.MyVar and
press Enter.
The output of 0, demonstrates that MyInstance does indeed have a
class variable named MyVar.
Type MyInstance.__class__
and press Enter.
Python displays the class used to create this instance. The output
tells you that this class is part of the __main__ module, which means that you
typed it directly into the shell.
6. Retain this window and class for the next section.
Considering the built-in class attributes
When you create a class, you can easily think that all you get is
the class. However, Python adds built-in functionality to your class. For
example, in the preceding section, you type __class__ and press Enter. The
__class__ attribute is built in; you didn’t create it. It helps to know that
Python provides this functionality so that you don’t have to add it. The
functionality is needed often enough that every class should have it, so Python
supplies it. The following steps help you work with the built-in class
Use the Python Shell window
that you open in the preceding section.
If you haven’t followed the steps in the preceding section,
“Creating the class definition,” please do so now.
Type dir(MyInstance) and
press Enter.
A list of attributes appears. These attributes provide specific
functionality for your class. They’re also common to every other class you
create, so you can count on always having this functionality in the classes you
Type help(‘__class__’) and
press Enter.
Python displays information on the __class__ attribute. You can
use the same technique for learning more about any attribute that Python adds
to your class.
Close the Python Shell
Working with methods
Methods are simply another kind of function that reside in
classes. You create and work with methods in precisely the same way that you do
functions, except that methods are always associated with a class (you don’t
see freestanding methods as you do functions). You can create two kinds of
methods: those associated with the class itself and those associated with an
instance of a class. It’s important to differentiate between the two. The
following sections provide the details needed to work with both.
Creating class methods
A class method is one that you execute directly from the class
without creating an instance of the class. Sometimes you need to create methods
that execute from the class, such as the functions you used with the str class
in order to modify strings. The following steps demonstrate how to create and
use a class method.
Open a Python Shell window.
You see the familiar Python prompt.
Type the following code
(pressing Enter after each line and pressing Enter twice after the last line):
class MyClass: def SayHello():
print("Hello there!")
The example class contains a single defined attribute, SayHello().
This method doesn’t accept any arguments and doesn’t return any values. It
simply prints a message as output. However, the method works just fine for
demonstration purposes.
Type MyClass.SayHello() and
press Enter.
The example outputs the expected string. Notice that you didn’t
need to create an instance of the class — the method is available immediately
for use.
Close the Python Shell
A class method can work only with class data. It doesn’t know
about any data associated with an instance of the class. You can pass it data
as an argument, and the method can return information as needed, but it can’t
access the instance data. As a consequence, you need to exercise care when
creating class methods to ensure that they’re essentially self-contained.
Creating instance methods
An instance method is one that is part of the individual
instances. You use instance methods to manipulate the data that the class
manages. As a consequence, you can’t use instance methods until you instantiate
an object from the class.
All instance methods accept a single argument as a minimum, self.
The self-argument points at the particular instance that the application is
using to manipulate data. Without the self-argument, the method wouldn’t know
which instance data to use. However, self isn’t considered an accessible
argument — the value for self is supplied by Python, and you can’t change it as
part of calling the method.
The following steps demonstrate how to create and use instance
methods in Python.
Open a Python Shell window.
You see the familiar Python prompt.
Type the following code
(pressing Enter after each line and pressing Enter twice after the last line):
class MyClass:
def SayHello(self): print("Hello there!")
The example class contains a single defined attribute, SayHello().
This method doesn’t accept any special arguments and doesn’t return any values.
It simply prints a message as output. However, the method works just fine for
demonstration purposes.
Type MyInstance = MyClass(
) and press Enter.
Python creates an instance of MyClass named MyInstance.
Type MyInstance.SayHello( )
and press Enter.
5. Close the Python Shell window.
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