• Understanding Data Sorting and Types in Python - Part 2

    Working with Tuples

    As previously mentioned, a tuple is a collection used to create complex lists, in which you can embed one tuple within another. This embedding lets you create hierarchies with tuples. A hierarchy could be something as simple as the directory listing of your hard drive or an organizational chart for your company. The idea is that you can create complex data structures using a tuple.

    Tuples are immutable, which means you can’t change them. You can create a new tuple with the same name and modify it in some way, but you can’t modify an existing tuple. Lists are mutable, which means that you can change them. So, a tuple can seem at first to be at a disadvantage, but immutability has all sorts of advantages, such as being more secure as well as faster. In addition, immutable objects are easier to use with multiple processors.

    The two biggest differences between a tuple and a list are that a tuple is immutable and allows you to embed one tuple inside another. The following steps demonstrate how you can interact with a tuple in Python.

     Open a Python Shell window.

    You see the familiar Python prompt.

     Type MyTuple=(“Red”, “Blue”, “Green”) and press Enter. Python creates a tuple containing three strings.
     Type MyTuple and press Enter.

    You see the content of MyTuple, which is three strings. Notice that the entries use single quotes, even though you used double quotes to create the tuple. In addition, notice that a tuple uses parentheses rather than square brackets, as lists do.

    Type dir(MyTuple) and press Enter.

    Python presents a list of functions that you can use with tuples. Notice that the list of functions appears significantly smaller than the list of functions provided with lists in previous post. The count() and index() functions are present.

    However, appearances can be deceiving. For example, you can add new items using the __add__() function. When working with Python objects, look at all the entries before you make a decision as to functionality.

    5. Type MyTuple=MyTuple.__add__((“Purple”,)) and press Enter.

    This code adds a new tuple to MyTuple and places the result in a new copy of MyTuple. The old copy of MyTuple is destroyed after the call.

    The __add__() function accepts only tuples as input. This means that you must enclose the addition in parentheses. In addition, when creating a tuple with a single entry, you must add a comma after the entry, as shown in the example. This is an odd Python rule that you need to keep in mind or you’ll see an error message similar to this one:

    TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "str") to tuple

     Type MyTuple and press Enter.

    The addition to MyTuple appears at the end of the list. Notice that it appears at the same level as the other entries.

     Type MyTuple=MyTuple.__add__((“Yellow”, (“Orange”, “Black”))) and press Enter.

    This step adds three entries: Yellow, Orange, and Black. However, Orange and Black are added as a tuple within the main tuple, which creates a hierarchy. These two entries are actually treated as a single entry within the main tuple.

    You can replace the __add__() function with the concatenation operator. For example, if you want to add Magenta to the front of the tuple list, you type MyTuple=("Magenta",) + MyTuple.

     Type MyTuple[4] and press Enter.

    Python displays a single member of MyTuple, Orange. Tuples use indexes to access individual members, just as lists do. You can also specify a range when needed. Anything you can do with a list index you can also do with a tuple index.

     Type MyTuple[5] and press Enter.

    You see a tuple that contains Orange and Black. Of course, you might not want to use both members in tuple form.

    Tuples do contain hierarchies on a regular basis. You can detect when an index has returned another tuple, rather than a value, by testing for type. For example, in this case, you could detect that the sixth item (index 5) contains a tuple by typing type(MyTuple[5]) == tuple. The output would be True in this case.

     Type MyTuple[5][0] and press Enter.

    At this point, you see Orange as output. The indexes always appear in order of their level in the hierarchy.

    Using a combination of indexes and the __add__() function (or the concatenation operator, +), you can create flexible applications that rely on tuples. For example, you can remove an element from a tuple by making it equal to a range of values. If you wanted to remove the tuple containing Orange and Black, you type MyTuple=MyTuple[0:5].


    Working with Dictionaries

    A Python dictionary works just the same as its real-world counterpart — you create a key and value pair. It’s just like the word and definition in a dictionary. As with lists, dictionaries are mutable, which means that you can change

    them as needed. The main reason to use a dictionary is to make information lookup faster. The key is always short and unique so that the computer doesn’t spend a lot of time looking for the information you need.

    The following sections demonstrate how to create and use a dictionary. When you know how to work with dictionaries, you use that knowledge to make up for deficiencies in the Python language. Most languages include the concept of a switch statement, which is essentially a menu of choices from which one choice is selected. Python doesn’t include this option, so you must normally rely on if...elif statements to perform the task. (Such statements work, but they aren’t as clear as they could be.)


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