• Interacting With Strings In Python - Part 1

    Interacting With Strings In Python - Part I

    Your computer doesn’t understand strings. It’s a basic fact. Computers understand numbers, not letters. When you see a string on the computer screen, the computer actually sees a series of numbers. However, humans understand strings quite well, so applications need to be able to work with them. Fortunately, Python makes working with strings relatively easy. It translates the string you understand into the numbers the computer understands, and vice versa.

    In order to make strings useful, you need to be able to manipulate them. Of course, that means taking strings apart and using just the pieces you need or searching the string for specific information. This post describes how you can build strings using Python, dissect them as needed, and use just the parts you want after you find what’s required. String manipulation is an important part of applications because humans depend on computers per-forming that sort of work for them (even though the computer has no idea of what a string is).

    After you have the string you want, you need to present it to the user in an eye-pleasing manner. The computer doesn’t really care how it presents the string, so often you get the information, but it lacks pizzazz. In fact, it may be downright difficult to read. Knowing how to format strings so that they look nice onscreen is important because users need to see information in a form they understand. By the time you complete this post, you know how to create, manipulate, and format strings so that the user sees precisely the right information.

    Most aspiring developers (and even a few who have written code for a long time) really have a hard time understanding that computers truly do only understand 0s and 1s. Even larger numbers are made up of 0s and 1s. Comparisons take place with 0s and 1s. Data is moved using 0s and 1s. In short, strings don’t exist for the computer (and numbers just barely exist). Although grouping 0s and 1s to make numbers is relatively easy, strings are a lot harder because now you’re talking about information that the computer must manipulate as numbers but present as characters.

    There are no strings in computer science. Strings are made up of characters, and individual characters are actually numeric values. When you work with strings in Python, what you’re really doing is creating an assembly of charac-ters that the computer sees as numeric values. That’s why the following sec-tions are so important. They help you understand why strings are so special. Understanding this material will save you a lot of headaches later.

    Defining a character using numbers

    To create a character, you must first define a relationship between that character and a number. More important, everyone must agree that when a certain number appears in an application and is viewed as a character by that application, the number is translated into a specific character. One of the most common ways to perform this task is to use the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). Python uses ASCII to translate the number 65 to the letter A. The chart at http://www.asciitable.com/ shows the various numeric values and their character equivalents.

    Every character you use must have a different numeric value assigned to it. The letter A uses a value of 65. To create a lowercase a, you must assign a different number, which is 97. The computer views A and a as completely different­ characters, even though people view them as uppercase and lower-case versions of the same character.

    The numeric values used in this post are in decimal. However, the com-puter still views them as 0s and 1s. For example, the letter A is really the value 01000001 and the letter a is really the value 01100001. When you see an A onscreen, the computer sees a binary value instead.

    Having just one character set to deal with would be nice. However, not every-one could agree on a single set of numeric values to equate with specific characters. Part of the problem is that ASCII doesn’t support characters used by other languages; also, it lacks the capability to translate special characters into an onscreen presentation. In fact, character sets abound. You can see a number of them at http://www.i18nguy.com/unicode/codepages. html. Click one of the character set entries to see how it assigns specific numeric values to each character. Most characters sets do use ASCII as a starting point.

    Using characters to create strings

    Python doesn’t make you jump through hoops to create strings. However, the term string should actually give you a good idea of what happens. Think about beads or anything else you might string. You place one bead at a time onto the string. Eventually you end up with some type of ornamentation — perhaps a necklace or tree garland. The point is that these items are made up of individual beads.

    The same concept used for necklaces made of beads holds true for strings in computers. When you see a sentence, you understand that the sentence is made up of individual characters that are strung together by the program-ming language you use. The language creates a structure that holds the indi-vidual characters together. So, the language, not the computer, knows that so many numbers in a row (each number being represented as a character) defines a string such as a sentence.

    You may wonder why it’s important to even know how Python works with characters. The reason is that many of the functions and special features that Python provides work with individual characters, and it’s important to know that Python sees the individual characters. Even though you see a sentence, Python sees a specific number of characters.

    Unlike most programming languages, strings can use either single quotes or double quotes. For example, “Hello There!” with double quotes is a string, as is ‘Hello There!’ with single quotes. Python also supports triple double and single quotes that let you create strings spanning multiple lines. The following steps help you create an example that demonstrates some of the string features that Python provides.
     Open a Python File window.

    You see an editor in which you can type the example code.

     Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:

    print('Hello There (Single Quote)!') print("Hello There (Double Quote)!") print("""This is a multiple line string using triple double quotes.
    You can also use triple single quotes.""")

    Each of the three print() function calls demonstrates a different prin-ciple in working with strings. It’s equally acceptable to enclose the string in either single or double quotes. When you use a triple quote (either single or double), the text can appear on multiple lines.

     Choose RunRun Module.

    You see a Python Shell window open. The application outputs the text. Notice that the multiline text appears on three lines, just as it does in the source code file, so this is a kind of formatting. You can use multiline formatting to ensure that the text breaks where you want it to onscreen.

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