• Facing Errors In Python

    Most application code of any complexity has errors in it. When your application suddenly freezes for no apparent reason, that’s an error. Seeing one of those obscure message dialog boxes is another kind of error. However, errors can happen and does not provide you with any sort of notification.

    An application might perform the wrong calculation a series of numbers you provide, resulting in incorrect output that you will never know about unless someone tells you that something is wrong or you check for the problem yourself. You may see errors at some occasions and not on others. For example, an error can occur only when the weather is bad or the network is overloaded. In short, errors occur in any sorts of situations and for any sorts of reasons. This post shall tell you about all sorts of errors and what to do when your application encounters them.

    It shouldn’t surprise you that errors occur — applications are written by humans, and humans make mistakes. Most developers call application errors exceptions, meaning that they’re the exception to the rule. Because exceptions do occur in applications, you need to find them and do something about them whenever possible. The act of finding and processing an exception is called error handling or exception handling. In order to properly process errors, you need to know about error sources and why the error has occurred in the first place. When you find the error, you must process it by catching the exception. Catching an exception means examining it and doing something about it. So, another part of this post is about discovering how to perform exception handling in your own application.

    Sometimes your code detects an error in the application. When this happens, you need to raise or throw an exception. You see both terms used for the same thing, which simply means that your code encountered an error it couldn’t handle, so it passed the error information onto another piece of code to handle (interpret, process, and, with luck, fix the exception). In some cases, you use custom error message objects to pass on the information. It’s important to know when to handle exceptions locally, when to send them to the code that called your code, and when to create special exceptions so that every part of the application knows how to handle the exception.

    There are also times when you must ensure that your application handles an exception gracefully, even if that means shutting the application down. Fortunately, Python provides the finally clause, which always executes, even when an exception occurs. You can place code to close files or perform other essential tasks in the code block associated with this clause. Even though you won’t perform this task all the time.

    Developers often get frustrated with programming languages and computers because they seemingly go out of their way to cause communication problems.Neither Python nor the computer will “know what you mean” when you type instructions as code. Both follow whatever instructions you provide to the letter and literally as you provide them. You may not have meant to tell Python to delete a data file unless some absurd condition occurred. However, if you don’t make the conditions clear, Python will delete the file whether the condition exists or not. When an error of this sort happens, people commonly say that the application has a bug in it. Bugs are simply coding errors that you can remove using a debugger. (A debugger is a special kind of tool that lets you stop or pause application execution, examine the content of variables, and generally dissect the application to see what makes it tick.)

    Errors occur in many cases when the developer makes assumptions that simply aren’t true. Of course, this includes assumptions about the application user, who probably doesn’t care about the extreme level of care you took when developing your application. The user will enter wrong data. Again, Python won’t know or care that the data is wrong and will process it even when your intent was to disallow the bad input. Python doesn’t understand the concepts of right or data; it simply processes incoming data according to any rules you set, which means that you must set rules to protect users from themselves.

    When a network error occurs or the user does something unexpected, Python doesn’t create a solution to fix the problem on its own. It only processes code. If you don’t provide code to handle the error, the application is likely to fail and crash ungracefully — possibly taking all of the user’s data with it.
    Some developers out there think they can create bulletproof code, despite the absurdity of thinking that such code is even possible. Smart developers assume that some number of bugs will get through the code-screening process, that nature and users will continue to perform unexpected actions, and that even the smartest developer can’t anticipate every possible error condition. Always assume that your application is subjected to errors that will cause exceptions; that way, you’ll have the mindset required to actually make your application more reliable.

    Considering the Sources of Errors

    You might be able to divine the potential sources of error in your applica-tion by reading tea leaves, but that’s hardly an efficient way to do things. Errors actually fall into well-defined categories that help you predict (to some degree) when and where they’ll occur. By thinking about these categories as you work through your application, you’re far more likely to discover poten-tial errors sources before they occur and cause potential damage. The two principle categories are

     Errors that occur at a specific time

     Errors that are of a specific type

    The following sections discuss these two categories in greater detail. The overall concept is that you need to think about error classifications in order to start finding and fixing potential errors in your application before they become a problem.

    Classifying when errors occur

    Errors occur at specific times. The two major time frames are

    •  Compile time
    •  Run time

    No matter when an error occurs, it causes your application to misbehave. The following sections describe each time frame.

    Compile time

    A compile time error occurs when you ask Python to run the application. Before Python can run the application, it must interpret the code and put it into a form that the computer can understand. A computer relies on machine code that is specific to that processor and architecture. If the instructions you write are malformed or lack needed information, Python can’t perform the required conversion. It presents an error that you must fix before the application can run.

    Fortunately, compile-time errors are the easiest to spot and fix. Because the application won’t run with a compile-time error in place, user never sees this error category. You fix this sort of error as you write your code.

    The appearance of a compile-time error should tell you that other typos or omissions could exist in the code. It always pays to check the surrounding code to ensure that no other potential problems exist that might not show up as part of the compile cycle.


    A runtime error occurs after Python compiles the code you write and the com-puter begins to execute it. Runtime errors come in several different types, and some are harder to find than others. You know you have a runtime error when the application suddenly stops running and displays an exception dialog box or when the user complains about erroneous output (or at least instability).

    Not all runtime errors produce an exception. Some runtime errors cause instabil-ity (the application freezes), errant output, or data damage. Runtime errors can affect other applications or create unforeseen damage to the platform on which the application is running. In short, runtime errors can cause you quite a bit of grief, depending on precisely the kind of error you’re dealing with at the time.

    Many runtime errors are caused by errant code. For example, you can mis-spell the name of a variable, preventing Python from placing information in the correct variable during execution. Leaving out an optional but necessary argument when calling a method can also cause problems. These are exam-ples of errors of commission, which are specific errors associated with your code. In general, you can find these kinds of errors using a debugger or by simply reading your code line by line to check for errors.

    Runtime errors can also be caused by external sources not associated with your code. For example, the user can input incorrect information that the application isn’t expecting, causing an exception. A network error can make a required resource inaccessible. Sometimes even the computer hardware has a glitch that causes a nonrepeatable application error. These are all examples of errors of omission, from which the application might recover if your appli-cation has error-trapping code in place. It’s important that you consider both kinds of runtime errors — errors of commission and omission — when build-ing your application.


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