• Interacting With Strings in Python - Part 2

     Interacting With Strings in Python - Part 2

    Creating Stings with Special Characters

    Some strings include special characters. These characters are different from the alphanumeric and punctuation characters that you’re used to using. In fact, they fall into these categories:

     Control: An application requires some means of determining that a par-ticular character isn’t meant to be displayed but rather to control the display. All the control movements are based on the insertion pointer, the line you see when you type text on the screen. For example, you don’t see a tab character. The tab character provides a space between two elements, and the size of that space is controlled by a tab stop. Likewise, when you want to go to the next line, you use a carriage return (which returns the insertion pointer to the beginning of the line) and linefeed (which places the insertion pointer on the next line) combination.

     Accented: Characters that have accents, such as the acute (‘), grave (`), circumflex (^), umlaut or diaeresis (¨), tilde (~), or ring ( ),̊represent special spoken sounds, in most cases. You must use special characters to create alphabetical characters with these accents included.

     Drawing: It’s possible to create rudimentary art with some characters. You can see examples of the box-drawing characters at http://jrgraphix. net/r/Unicode/2500-257F. Some people actually create art using ASCII characters as well (http://www.asciiworld.com/).

     Typographical: A number of typographical characters, such as the pilcrow (¶),are used when displaying certain kinds of text onscreen, especially when the application acts as an editor.

     Other: Depending on the character set you use, the selection of characters is nearly endless. You can find a character for just about any need. The point is that you need some means of telling Python how to present these special characters.

    A common need when working with strings, even strings from simple console applications, is control characters. With this in mind, Python provides escape sequences that you use to define control characters directly (and a special escape sequence for other characters).

    An escape sequence literally escapes the common meaning of a letter, such as a, and gives it a new meaning (such as the ASCII bell or beep). The combination of the backslash (\) and a letter (such as a) is commonly viewed as a single letter by developers — an escape character or escape code.

    Escape Meaning

    \newline Ignored

    \\ Backslash (\)

    \’ Single quote (‘)

    \" Double quote (")

    \a ASCII Bell (BEL)

    \b ASCII Backspace (BS)

    \f ASCII Formfeed (FF)

    \n ASCII Linefeed (LF)

    \r ASCII Carriage Return (CR)

    \t ASCII Horizontal Tab (TAB)

    \uhhhh Unicode character (a specific kind of character set with
     broad appeal across the world) with a hexadecimal value that
     replaces hhhh

    \v ASCII Vertical Tab (VT)

    \ooo ASCII character with octal numeric value that replaces ooo

    \xhh ASCII character with hexadecimal value that replaces hh

    The best way to see how the escape sequences work is to try them. The following steps help you create an example that tests various escape sequences so that you can see them in action.

     Open a Python File window.

    You see an editor in which you can type the example code.

     Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:

    print("Part of this text\r\nis on the next line.") print("This is an A with a grave accent: \xC0.") print("This is a drawing character: \u2562.") print("This is a pilcrow: \266.")
    print("This is a division sign: \xF7.")

    The example code uses various techniques to achieve the same end — to create a special character. Of course, you use control characters directly, as shown in the first line. Many special letters are accessible using a hexadecimal number that has two digits (as in the second and fifth lines). However, some require that you rely on Unicode numbers (which always require four digits), as shown in the third line. Octal values use three digits and have no special character associated with them, as shown in the fourth line.

     Choose RunRun Module.

    You see a Python Shell window open. The application outputs the expected text and special characters.

    The Python shell uses a standard character set across platforms, so the Python Shell should use the same special characters no matter which platform you test. However, when creating your application, make sure to test it on various platforms to see how the application will react. A character set on one platform may use different numbers for special characters than another platform does. In addition, user selec-tion of character sets could have an impact on how special characters displayed by your application appear. Always make sure that you test special character usage completely.

    Selecting Individual Characters

    Earlier in the post, you discover that strings are made up of individual characters. They are, in fact, just like beads on a necklace — with each bead being an individual element of the whole string.

    Python makes it possible to access individual characters in a string. This is an important feature because you can use it to create new strings that contain only part of the original. In addition, you can combine strings to create new results. The secret to this feature is the square bracket. You place a square bracket with a number in it after the name of the variable. Here’s an example:

    MyString = "Hello World" print(MyString[0])

    In this case, the output of the code is the letter H. Python strings are zero-based, which means they start with the number 0 and proceed from there. For example, if you were to type print(MyString[1]), the output would be the letter e.

    You can also obtain a range of characters from a string. Simply provide the beginning and ending letter count separated by a colon in the square brackets. For example, print(MyString[6:11]) would output the word World. The output would begin with letter 7 and end with letter 12 (remember that the index is zero based).

    The following steps demonstrate some basic tasks that you can perform using Python’s character-selection technique.

     Open a Python File window.

    You see an editor in which you can type the example code.

     Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line.

    String1 = "Hello World"
    String2 = "Python is Fun!"


    String3 = String1[:6] + String2[:6] print(String3)


    The example begins by creating two strings. It then demonstrates vari-ous methods for using the index on the first string. Notice that you can leave out the beginning or ending number in a range if you want to work with the remainder of that string.

    The next step is to combine two substrings. In this case, the code com-bines the beginning of String1 with the beginning of String2 to create

    The use of the + sign to combine two strings is called concatenation. It’s one of the handier operators to remember when you’re working with strings in an application.

    The final step is to use a Python feature called repetition. You use repetition to make a number of copies of a string or substring.

     Choose RunRun Module.

    You see a Python Shell window open. The applications outputs a series of substrings and string combinations.

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