All the examples in the post so far have performed a series of steps just one time and then stopped. However, the real world doesn’t work this way. Many of the tasks that humans perform are repetitious. For example, the doctor might state that you need to exercise more and tell you to do 100 push-ups each day. If you just do one push-up, you won’t get much benefit from the exercise and you definitely won’t be following the doctor’s orders. Of course, because you know precisely how many push-ups to do, you can perform the task a specific number of times. Python allows the same sort of repetition using the looping statements.
Unfortunately, you don’t always know how many times to perform a task. For example, consider needing to check a stack of coins for one of extreme rarity. Taking just the first coin from the top, examining it, and deciding that it either is or isn’t the rare coin doesn’t complete the task. Instead, you must examine each coin in turn, looking for the rare coin. Your stack may contain more than one. Only after you have looked at every coin in the stack can you say that the task is complete. However, because you don’t know how many coins are in the stack, you don’t know how many times to perform the task at the outset. You only know the task is done when the stack is gone. Python performs this kind of repetition using the Looping statements.
Most programming languages call any sort of repeating sequence of events a loop. The idea is to picture the repetition as a circle, with the code going round and round executing tasks until the loop ends. Loops are an essential part of application elements such as menus. In fact, writing most modern applications without using loops would be impossible.
In some cases, you must create loops within loops. For example, to create a multiplication table, you use a loop within a loop. The inner loop calculates the column values and the outer loop moves between rows. You see such an example later in the chapter, so don’t worry too much about understanding precisely how such things work right now.
Processing Data Using the for Statement
The first looping code block that most developers encounter is the for state-ment. It’s hard to imagine creating a conventional programming language that lacks such a statement. In this case, the loop executes a fixed number of times, and you know the number of times it will execute before the loop even begins. Because everything about a for loop is known at the outset, For loops tend to be the easiest kind of loop to use. However, in order to use one, you need to know how many times to execute the loop. The following sections describe the for loop in greater detail.
Understanding the for statement
A For loop begins with a For statement. The for statement describes how to perform the loop. The Python for loop works through a sequence of some type. It doesn’t matter whether the sequence is a series of letters in a string or items within a collection. You can even specify a range of values to use by specifying the range() function. Here’s a simple for statement.
for Letter in "Hello!":
The statement begins with the keyword for. The next item is a variable that holds a single element of a sequence. In this case, the variable name is Letter. The in keyword tells Python that the sequence comes next. In this case, the sequence is the string "Hello". The for statement always ends with a colon, just as the decision-making statements described in Previous Post do.
Indented under the for statement are the tasks you want performed within the for loop. Python considers every following indented statement part of the code block that composes the for loop. Again, the for loop works just like the decision-making statements in Previous Post.
Creating a basic for loop
The best way to see how a for loop actually works is to create one. In this case, the example uses a string for the sequence. The for loop processes each of the characters in the string in turn until it runs out of characters.
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
LetterNum = 1
for Letter in "Hello!":
print("Letter ", LetterNum, " is ", Letter) LetterNum+=1
The example begins by creating a variable, LetterNum, to track the number of letters that have been processed. Every time the loop completes, LetterNum is updated by 1.
The for statement works through the sequence of letters in the string "Hello!". It places each letter, in turn, in Letter. The code that follows displays the current LetterNum value and its associated character found in Letter.
Choose Run➪Run Module.
A Python Shell window opens. The application displays the letter sequence along with the letter number.
Controlling execution with the break statement
Life is often about exceptions to the rule. For example, you might want an assembly line to produce a number of clocks. However, at some point, the assembly line runs out of a needed part. If the part isn’t available, the assembly line must stop in the middle of the processing cycle. The count hasn’t completed, but the line must be stopped anyway until the missing part is restocked.
Interruptions also occur in computers. You might be streaming data from an online source when a network glitch occurs and breaks the connection; the stream temporarily runs dry, so the application runs out of things to do even though the number of tasks isn’t completed.
The break clause makes breaking out of a loop possible. However, you don’t simply place the break clause in your code — you surround it with an if statement that defines the condition for getting a break. The statement might say something like this: If the stream runs dry, then break out of the loop.
In this example, you see what happens when the count reaches a certain level when processing a string. The example is a little contrived in the interest of keeping things simple, but it reflects what could happen in the real world when a data element is too long to process (possibly indicating an error condition).
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor where you can type the example code.
Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
Value = input("Type less than 6 characters: ") LetterNum = 1
for Letter in Value:
print("Letter ", LetterNum, " is ", Letter) LetterNum+=1
if LetterNum > 6:
print("The string is too long!") break
It lets the user provide a variable-length string. When the string is longer than six characters, the application stops processing it.
The if statement contains the conditional code. When LetterNum is greater than 6, it means that the string is too long. Notice the second level of indentation used for the if statement. In this case, the user sees an error message stating that the string is too long, and then the code executes a break to end the loop.
Choose Run➪Run Module.
You see a Python Shell window open with a prompt asking for input.
Type "Hello" and press Enter.
Perform Steps again, but type "I am too long". instead of "Hello".
Controlling execution with the continue statement
Sometimes you want to check every element in a sequence, but don’t want to process certain elements. For example, you might decide that you want to process all the information for every car in a database except brown cars. Perhaps you simply don’t need the information about that particular color of car. The break clause simply ends the loop, so you can’t use it in this situa-tion. Otherwise, you won’t see the remaining elements in the sequence.
The break clause alternative that many developers use is the continue clause. As with the break clause, the continue clause appears as part of an if statement. However, processing continues with the next element in the sequence rather than ending completely.
The following steps help you see how the continue clause differs from the break clause. In this case, the code refuses to process the letter w, but will process every other letter in the alphabet. This example also appears with the downloadable source code as
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
LetterNum = 1
for Letter in "Howdy!": if Letter == "w":
print("Encountered w, not processed.") print("Letter ", LetterNum, " is ", Letter) LetterNum+=1
This example is based on the one found in the “Creating a basic for loop” section, earlier in this chapter. However, this example adds an if statement with the continue clause in the if code block. Notice the print() function that is part of the if code block. You never see this string printed because the current loop iteration ends immediately.
Choose Run➪Run Module.
You see a Python Shell window open. The application displays the letter sequence along with the letter number, as shown in Figure 8-4. However, notice the effect of the continue clause — the letter w isn’t processed.
Controlling execution with the pass clause
The Python language includes something not commonly found in other lan-guages: a second sort of continue clause. The pass clause works almost the same way as the continue clause does, except that it allows completion of the code in the if code block in which it appears. The following steps use an example that is precisely the same as the one found in the previous sec-tion, “Controlling execution with the continue statement,” except that it uses a pass clause instead.
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
LetterNum = 1
for Letter in "Hello!": if Letter == "e":
print("Encountered e, not processed.") print("Letter ", LetterNum, " is ", Letter) LetterNum+=1
Choose Run➪Run Module.
You see a Python Shell window open. Notice the effect of the pass clause — the letter e isn’t processed. In addition, the example displays the string that wasn’t displayed for the continue clause example.
The continue clause makes it possible to silently takeover specific elements in a sequence and to avoid executing any additional code for that element. Use the pass clause when you need to perform some sort of post processing on the element, such as logging the element in an error log, displaying a message to the user, or handling the problem element in some other way. The continue and pass clauses both do the same thing, but they’re used in distinctly different situations.
Controlling execution with the else statement
Python has another loop clause that you won’t find with other languages: else. The else clause makes executing code possible even if you have no elements to process in a sequence. For example, you might need to convey to the user that there simply isn’t anything to do. In fact, that’s what the following example does.
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
Value = input("Type less than 6 characters: ")
LetterNum = 1
for Letter in Value:
print("Letter ", LetterNum, " is ", Letter) LetterNum+=1
print("The string is blank.")
This example is based on the one found in the “Creating a basic for loop” section, earlier in the chapter. However, when a user presses Enter with-out typing something, the else clause is executed.
Choose Run➪Run Module.
You see a Python Shell window open and a prompt asking for input.
Type Hello and press Enter.
The application lists each character in the string.
Repeat Steps again. However, simply press Enter instead of entering any sort of text.
It’s easy to misuse the else clause because an empty sequence doesn’t always signify a simple lack of input. An empty sequence could also signal an application error or other conditions that need to be handled differently from a simple omission of data. Make sure you understand how the application works with data to ensure that the else clause doesn’t end up hiding potential error conditions, rather than making them visible so that they can be fixed.
Processing Data Using the while Statement
You use the while statement for situations when you’re not sure how much data the application will have to process. Instead of instructing Python to process a static number of items, you use the while statement to tell Python to continue processing items until it runs out of items. This kind of loop is useful when you need to perform tasks such as downloading files of unknown size or streaming data from a source such as a radio station. Any situation in which you can’t define at the outset how much data the application will process is a good candidate for the while statement that is described more fully in the sections that follow.
Understanding the while statement
The while statement works with a condition rather than a sequence. The condition states that the while statement should perform a task until the condition is no longer true. For example, imagine a deli with a number of customers standing in front of the counter. The salesperson continues to service customers until no more customers are left in line. The line could (and probably will) grow as the other customers are handled, so it’s impossible to know at the outset how many customers will be served. All the salesperson knows is that continuing to serve customers until no more are left is important. Here is how a while statement might look:
while Sum < 6:
The statement begins with the while keyword. It then adds a condition. In this case, a variable, Sum, must be less than 6 for the loop to continue.
Nothing specifies the current value of Sum, nor does the code define how the value of Sum will change. The only thing that is known when Python executes the statement is that Sum must be less than 5 for the loop to continue per-forming tasks. The statement ends with a colon and the tasks are indented below the statement.
Because the while statement doesn’t perform a series of tasks a set number of times, creating an endless loop is possible, meaning that the loop never ends. For example, say that Sum is set to 0 when the loop begins, and the ending condition is that Sum must be less than 6. If the value of Sum never increases, the loop will continue executing forever (or at least until the computer is shut down). Endless loops can cause all sorts of bizarre problems on systems, such as slowdowns and even computer freezes, so it’s best to avoid them. You must always provide a method for the loop to end when using a while loop (contrasted with the for loop, in which the end of the sequence determines the end of the loop). So, when working with the while statement, you must perform three tasks:
Create the environment for the condition (such as setting Sum to 0).
State the condition within the while statement (such as Sum < 6).
Update the condition as needed to ensure that the loop eventually ends (such as adding Sum+=1 to the while code block).
As with the for statement, you can modify the default behavior of the while statement. In fact, you have access to the same four clauses to modify the while statement behavior:
break: Ends the current loop.
continue: Immediately ends processing of the current element.
pass: Ends processing of the current element after completing the state-ments in the if block.
else: Provides an alternative processing technique when conditions aren’t met for the loop.
Using the while statement in an application
You can use the while statement in many ways, but this first example is straightforward. It simply displays a count based on the starting and ending condition of a variable named Sum. The following steps help you create and test the example code.
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
Sum = 0
while Sum < 6: print(Sum) Sum+=1
The example code demonstrates the three tasks you must perform when working with a while loop in a straightforward manner. It begins by setting Sum to 0, which is the first step of setting the condition environment. The condition itself appears as part of the while statement. The end of the while code block accomplishes the third step. Of course, the code displays the current value of Sum before it updates the value of Sum.
A while statement provides flexibility that you don’t get with a for statement. This example shows a relatively straightforward way to update Sum. However, you can use any update method required to meet the goals of the application. Nothing says that you have to update Sum in a specific manner. In addition, the condition can be as complex as you want it to be. For example, you can track the current value of three or four variables if so desired. Of course, the more complex you make the condition, the more likely it is that you’ll create an endless loop, so you have a practical limit as to how complex you should make the while loop condition.
Nesting Loop Statements
In some cases, you can use either a for loop or a while loop to achieve the same effect. The manners work differently, but the effect is the same. In this example, you create a multiplication table generator by nesting a while loop within a for loop. Because you want the output to look nice, you use a little formatting as well .
Open a Python File window.
You see an editor in which you can type the example code.
Type the following code into the window — pressing Enter after each line:
X = 1
Y = 1
print ('{:>4}'.format(' '), end= ' ')
for X in range(1, 11): print('{:>4}'.format(X), end=' ')
for X in range(1,11): print('{:>4}'.format(X), end=' ') while Y <= 10:
print('{:>4}'.format(X * Y), end=' ') Y+=1
This example begins by creating two variables, X and Y, to hold the row and column value of the table. X is the row variable and Y is the column variable.
To make the table readable, this example must create a heading at the top and another along the side. When users see a 1 at the top and a 1 at the side, and follow these values to where they intersect in the table, they can see the value of the two numbers when multiplied.
The first print() statement adds a spaceAll the formatting statement says is to create a space 4 characters wide and place a space within it. The {:>5} part of the code determines the size of the column. The format(' ') function determines what appears in that space. The end attribute of the print() statement changes the ending character from a carriage return to a simple space.
The first for loop displays the numbers 1 through 10 at the top of the table. The range() function creates the sequence of numbers for you. When using the range() function, you specify the starting value, which is 1 in this case, and one more than the ending value, which is 11 in this case.
At this point, the cursor is sitting at the end of the heading row. To move it to the next line, the code issues a print() call with no other information.
Even though the next bit of code looks quite complex, you can figure it out if you look at it a line at a time. The multiplication table shows the values from 1 * 1 to 10 * 10, so you need ten rows and ten columns to display the information. The for statement tells Python to create ten rows.
The first print() call displays the row heading value. Of course, you have to format this information, and the code uses a space of four characters that end with a space, rather than a carriage return, in order to continue printing information in that row.
The while loop comes next. This loop prints the columns in an individual row. The column values are the multiplied values of X * Y. Again, the output is formatted to take up four spaces. The while loop ends when Y is updated to the next value using Y+=1.
Now you’re back into the for loop. The print() statement ends the current row. In addition, Y must be reset to 1 so that it’s ready for the beginning of the next row, which begins with 1.
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