Understanding Data Sorting and Types in Python - Part 1
People collect all sorts of things. The CDs stacked near your entertainment center, the plates that are part of a series, baseball cards, and even the pens from every restaurant you’ve ever visited are all collections. The collections you encounter when you write applications are the same as the collections in the real world. A collection is simply a grouping of like items in one place and usually organized into some easily understood form.
This post is about
collections of various sorts. The central idea behind every collection is to
create an environment in which the collection is properly managed and lets you
easily locate precisely what you want at any given time. A set of bookshelves
works great for storing books, DVDs, and other sorts of flat items. However,
you probably put your pen collection in a holder or even a display case. The
difference in storage locations doesn’t change the fact that both house
collections. The same is true with computer collections. Yes, there are
differences between a stack and a queue, but the main idea is to provide the
means to manage data properly and make it easy to access when needed.
Understanding Collections
A sequence is a
succession of values that are bound together in a container. The simplest
sequence is a string, which is a succession of characters. Which is a
succession of objects. Even though a string and a list are both sequences, they
have significant differences. For example, when working with a string, you set
all the characters to lowercase — something you can’t do with a list. On the
other hand, lists let you append new items, which is something a string doesn’t
support. Collections are simply another kind of sequence, albeit a more complex
sequence than you find in either a string or list.
No matter which
sequence you use, they all support two functions: index() and count(). The
index() function always returns the position of a specified item in the
sequence. For example, you can return the position of a character in a string
or the position of an object in a list. The count() function returns the number
of times a specific item appears in the list. Again, the kind of specific item
depends upon the kind of sequence.
You can use
collections to create database-like structures using Python. Each collection
type has a different purpose, and you use the various types in specific ways.
The important idea to remember is that collections are simply another kind of
sequence. As with every other kind of sequence, collections always support the
index() and count() functions as part of their base functionality.
Python is designed
to be extensible. However, it does rely on a base set of collections that you
can use to create most application types. This post describes the most common
Tuple: A tuple is a collection used to create
complex list-like sequences. An advantage of tuples is that you can nest the
content of a tuple. This feature lets you create structures that can hold
employee records or x-y coordinate pairs.
Dictionary: As with the real dictionaries, you
create key/value pairs when using the dictionary collection (think of a word
and its associated definition). A dictionary provides incredibly fast search
times and makes ordering data significantly easier.
Stack: Most programming languages support
stacks directly. However, Python doesn’t support the stack, although there’s a
work-around for that. A stack is a first in/first out (FIFO) sequence. Think of
a pile of pancakes: You can add new pancakes to the top and also take them off
of the top. A stack is an important collection that you can simulate in Python
using a list, which is precisely what this post does.
queue: A queue is a last in/first out (LIFO)
collection. You use it to track items that need to be processed in some way.
Think of a queue as a line at the bank. You go into the line, wait your turn,
and are eventually called to talk with a teller.
deque: A double-ended queue (deque) is a
queue-like structure that lets you add or remove items from either end, but not
from the middle. You can use a deque as a queue or a stack or any other kind of
collection to which you’re adding and from which you’re removing items in an
orderly manner (in contrast to lists, tuples, and dictionaries, which allow
randomized access and management).
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